While lived in Michigan, I usually cooked the Thanksgiving dinner at our place and invited friends over, but last year, I was working at a private country club, so from very early in the morning at work, we baked many many pies and cookies for the members' buffet and take home dinner orders.
This year, my really close friend invited us to her parents' home, so after cleaning our previous place, Aibo-kun and I joined the dinner. Since this is my first Thanksgiving in California, it feels a little weird not to have snow, but it is actually nice at the same time.
My friend and her sisters cooked the dinner this year, and everything tasted very good!
Turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, mashpotatoes, vegetables, etc... Both Aibo-kun and I were starving, so we ended up eating so much, probably too much!
Here are the pictures of the Thanksgiving yummy dinner!

Roasted Turkey is simple, but actually a delicate dish because it can easily get over cooked and dry. This one was very moist and had good flavor. Good job!
Not only they tasted good, but the table was very colorful with different types of dishes, and they looked pretty as well.
And last but not the least, can't forget the desserts! I was planning to bake pies, but since my kitching was not in a working condition right after the moving, I could not take any with me, but it was actually nice to enjoy the dinner all prepared by someone else!!!
Apple pie, pumpkin pie, toffee and chocolate truffles really filled me up! My friend made this really delicate tasty chocolate covered toffee, and it is literally addictive.

We had a great Thanksgiving dinner with lovely people, and it was a great escape from the moving work. Now Thanksgiving is over, here comes Christmas next!!!