Right away, my friend said "cheesecake"!!! She wanted a simple, no flavor added baked cheesecake. In order to add a giftlike looking to the cake, I made some gum paste flowers and leaves in addition to the usual chocolate plate.
Also, instead of making a usual round cake, I used the rectangle tart mold so it will be easier to serve the guests at the party.
Here is how it looks in whole.

Instead of baking the cake over the common graham cracker base, I used some tart dough. This actually tasted pretty good, and my friend and the other guests really enjoyed it. When I served the cake, I plated it with some raspberry cream and people liked it as well.
However, I found out that the gumpaste flower does melt a little from the moisture of the cake, so I should try other methods in the future.
It always makes me happy to see other people smile when they put my pastries into their mouth and taste them. This turned out to be my happy day, too! Happy Birthday Friend!!!
looks great.. gosh.. everytime I see your yummy stuff makes me hungry... just ate my dinner.. but always have room for desert..
should I tell you when my birthday is?/ hahaha...
Hi maitai-san!
Glad you liked this one, too!
Of course, I need to know your birthday!! Save room for dessert~.
AKO-chan, your rectangle cheesecake looks great, and your thought for people at the party to eat it easily is really sweet. I love the cute sugar flowers you put on the cake, which makes the cheesecake even more special & cute:*)
I wish I could ask you to make Dan's Birthday Cake next year... but a little too far away, so I should probably try it by myself.
I'm glad to know that you like the look of my cake! I really enjoyed making the flowers.
I wish I could make a cake for Dan-kun, but pretty sure you'll make a great one, too. If you need advise, let me know!
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